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From COVID-Reactive To COVID-Resilient: How Strong Are Your BCP and DRP Muscles?

Should disaster strike, or the ‘unprecedented’ happen again, are you ready?

By now your initial response to COVID-19 should be complete: urgent cash flow analyses, workforce adjustments, repurposed products and services, and a shift to digital. In the last few weeks, you have had to support people working from home, then start to enable them to come back to your workplaces, and now in some cases and places reverse course, all with uncertainty about what’s ahead. So what state are your business continuity and disaster recovery plans in right now? Have you had the capacity, energy and time to update them and test them to ensure that they will be effective in dealing with whatever is coming next?

A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) helps you continue in business through adaptation to a range of abnormal circumstances, prioritising, communicating and acting as needed, and then returning to the normal way of working.

A Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) helps you to respond to an event and recover the previous capability.

If you have no plans, or plans not matched to the circumstances, you will be reactive. When you have plans that help you to withstand sudden changes or events in your environment, or smoothly transition to accommodate them, you are resilient.

How Can We Help?

SUCCEED brings clarity, impetus and momentum to getting all types of organisation governance jobs done. For BCPs and DRPs, we examine your current risk preparedness in the context of data-driven scenarios relevant to your business, and determine with you what’s needed. We can offer a methodology and software for the creation and maintenance of plans compliant with the current ISO 22301 standard, including prevention or mitigation. But we don’t just co-produce the plan. With the SUCCEED Governance System as a guide, during delivery we can also help you consider from a lean process perspective whether there are value-adding changes you should make to your existing ways of working.

We can immediately add capacity within one of your teams, work alongside you as a client-side representative speaking both your language and that of auditors and consultants, or as independent facilitators quickly co-producing a solution for resilience. Whether you need one person or several, we can bring the experience and skill required to deliver.